Posted July 22, 2008, 12:04 am


Calendar claustrophobia has accelerated. I’ve got roughly eight and a half days before the lease of my current apartment ends. Almost all secondary hobbies have fallen off the radar. Two of my four room mates have already moved out, but I haven’t yet secured my next abode. I’m waiting to hear back from several possible landlords, no word yet.

If everything suddenly decided to go my way it would be quite surprising. I’d get a call sometime this week along the lines of, “the studio apartment is good to go, you can move in as soon as you sign the lease.” I would then borrow my boss’s truck and move my personal accumulated flotsam over in two or three trips over the coming weekend. Once the unit was emptied it could be properly cleaned. By next week I would be aligning sparse furniture into pleasing geometries in an apartment all to my self. Order of operations is bed, kitchen, computer, bookshelves, bikes.

If nothing goes as I hope it might, things will turn out a bit differently. With my essentials in back packs I’ll stow the rest of my stuff in a storage unit. I would surf the couches of my friends, were they not for the most part traveling the state on bicycles. Some kind of crashing arrangement will be met, while I wait out the doldrums of uncommunicative land owners.

In order for the more preferable of these two possibilities to occur, many large floating objects will need to align and fit together in a very precise way. Unfortunately their shapes are complex and their trajectories unknown. There is no luck involved nor faith required, their inertia will carry them through.

Until I know where I am heading, the only really productive thing I can do is pack. Many things are heading back to my mom’s house for storage, and my cumulative load is lessened. I’m borrowing a trick from a friend and labeling taped up boxes in a manner completely unrelated to their contents. A box of books is labeled “stray cats”, a box of bike parts is designated “assorted novelty limbs”. As my moving situation unfolds I hope these inaccuracies keep me balanced.

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