Posted June 16, 2008, 5:46 pm

Two Fifty Mixty

Another muxtape for your listening pleasure, I call this one “Summer Funder”. So listen, enjoy, and celebrate with me my 250th post.

  1. Mouseteeth - This Bike Is a Pipe Bomb
  2. Toy Piano - Matty Pop Chart
  3. Women Are Born In Love - Oh No! Oh My!
  4. Bad Town - Operation Ivy
  5. The Warming Sun - Grandaddy
  6. Ebb Tide, Azure Sky - The Unicorns
  7. Race Car Grin You Ain’t No Landmark - Modest Mouse
  8. The Demise of Madame Butterfly - Madeline Adams
  9. MX Missles - Andrew Bird
  10. Stella Was A Diver And She Was Always Down - Interpol

Another reason to celebrate, same-sex marriages are happening all over California today, awesome!

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