Posted February 17, 2008, 7:10 pm

Remember Riding?

As good as Sunday gets.

Woke up plenty early and did some stretches. I think I’m learning how my body works. Breakfasted on a well blended parfait of honey granola, almonds, maple syrup, blackberry jam, soymilk, banana, and old mashed raspberries.

Met up around ten for a ride with Renée, Paul, Steve and Lau. We drove about 14 miles South East to begin our clockwise ascent of Table Mountain. I’ve never been driven out of town on 99 South before, and it was nice to see the rolling foothills and erect power-towers from a different perspective. I’m still not acclimated to how beautiful it can get out here. We parked outside a small schoolhouse and pulled our bikes from the roof racks.

An hour and a half later we were sitting on the top of the plateau trying to lure cows into a photo op with pieces of cliff bars and fig newtons. We didn’t see any other riders on the way up, which was surprising considering the phenomenal weather. Starting the 800’ descent I grabbed onto Steve’s wheel and didn’t let go until we were halfway down. As far as frame materials go, steel’s what you want for long curvaceous downhills, and my Atala rode rock-solid. This was probably my third time riding down from Table Mountain on Cherokee Road, and the most confident I’ve ever felt doing it. Being able to see the lines Steve was picking and to just lay into the turns behind him was fun. I wouldn’t yet say I “Descend With Conviction”, but I’m enjoying it more and more every time, white knuckles be damned!

On the flats back to the car I meandered off the road and onto the gravel shoulder only once or twice, because secretly I want to ride mountain bikes, and because secretly I want to crash on the side of the highway. It was in these last stretches that I was able to coax some speed out of Steve and Lau, when Renée and Paul had dropped off the back. Maybe it’s just my youth, but today I felt fast.

Got home around one and muckety mucked around on the internet for about an hour before taking off the sunday riding clothes, gross. Made some warm and savory lunch out of rice, curry, french onion soup, broccoli and naan, and then proceeded to pass out on the couch while watching All The Kings Men. I developed the syndrome a few years ago watching some classic films with my dad, but now I can’t stay awake for more than an hour if I’m watching a black and white movie.

Three hours of nap later and it’s time to do some homework. Tomorrow’s supposed to be the last day of this superbly warm and sunny “February-Fakeout”, before the wind and rain return. Hitting the bed early tonight to hit the road early tomorrow morning.

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