Wait, where am I supposed to put my rando hbar bag???

Wait, where am I supposed to put my rando hbar bag???

Wait, where am I supposed to put my rando hbar bag???

May 14, 2018


  1. adamkhantra wrote on May 14th, 2018:

    put a stamp on it

  2. jono_c_davis wrote on May 14th, 2018:

    @adamkhantra USPS tracking says “NOT YET SEND IT’D”

  3. creepingdeth wrote on May 14th, 2018:

    Return to send’r

  4. a_circling_sol wrote on May 14th, 2018:

    Fffuuuuuck what IS that

  5. fatcatbikebags wrote on May 14th, 2018:

    You need custom bag….

  6. fatcatbikebags wrote on May 14th, 2018:

    So many frame bag spots

  7. fatcatbikebags wrote on May 14th, 2018:

    Also, “eyy bruhhh, toss me a brewskii”

  8. jono_c_davis wrote on May 14th, 2018:

    I’m not sure how I didn’t notice the #gulfracing colors until @about2bike just pointed it out. Stoke doubled!

  9. jono_c_davis wrote on May 14th, 2018:

    @a_circling_sol 2018 @cannondalemountain Jekyll 4

  10. jono_c_davis wrote on May 15th, 2018:

    @a_circling_sol I mean, it’s a storm trooping, go getting, shredding machine

  11. a_circling_sol wrote on May 15th, 2018:

    @jono_c_davis fuckin rad dude

  12. buckycornstarchtoo wrote on May 15th, 2018:

    Looks nice but a couple of sizes too big

  13. jono_c_davis wrote on May 15th, 2018:

    @buckycornstarchtoo I had to raise the seatpost another 20mm…

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