Heading to Santa Cruz for a week. I should probably also bring a change of underwear.

Heading to Santa Cruz for a week. I should probably also bring a change of underwear.

Heading to Santa Cruz for a week. I should probably also bring a change of underwear.

February 9, 2018


  1. lukebutdonttouch wrote on Feb 9th, 2018:

    Nah, it’ll just get shredded. Zing!

  2. just_another_greg wrote on Feb 10th, 2018:

    Have fun!

  3. devilsgear wrote on Feb 10th, 2018:

    Hell yeah.

  4. fatcatbikebags wrote on Feb 10th, 2018:

    Wait what!?

  5. lifeathumanspeed wrote on Feb 10th, 2018:

    I live here! Hit me up!

  6. jessespencersmith wrote on Feb 10th, 2018:

    Hit me up if you want trail recommendations or buddies to ride with! I have a lot of both!

  7. themisterpaul wrote on Feb 10th, 2018:

    Someday I’d love to meet you in Downieville.

  8. jono_c_davis wrote on Feb 10th, 2018:

    @themisterpaul what are you doing the week after Reno Interbike?

  9. lenna_mc wrote on Feb 10th, 2018:

    “Reno interbike”

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