….but also, I couldn’t get these puddings apart so I have to eat both.
….but also, I couldn’t get these puddings apart so I have to eat both. #porquenolosdos
JK light and heat and water and wifi are amazing gifts and I am so glad to have them back.
JK light and heat and water and wifi are amazing gifts and I am so glad to have them back.
Redding, Connecticut
We don’t need no power let the mother fucker burn!
We don’t need no power let the mother fucker burn!
Redding, Connecticut
Snow took out the trees which took out the power lines, so doggo and I went exploring in the dark. ☃️
Snow took out the trees which took out the power lines, so doggo and I went exploring in the dark.
Redding, Connecticut
Go to the dentist, call you mother, and calibrate your load cells.
Go to the dentist, call you mother, and calibrate your load cells.