Pray for mojo

Pray for mojo

Pray for mojo

August 17, 2017


  1. ttownyolo wrote on Aug 17th, 2017:

    I’d Mojo in the bicycle ICU? What is that place?

  2. craigglesofdoom wrote on Aug 17th, 2017:

    NaOH and some time and it’ll be right out

  3. jono_c_davis wrote on Aug 17th, 2017:

    @craigglesofdoom just doused it with PB Blaster, we’ll see how it looks tomorrow…

  4. felinefinemeow wrote on Aug 17th, 2017:

    Did you try asking nicely?

  5. hailzccc333 wrote on Aug 20th, 2017:

    Knock er Loose is wayyyy better than PB blaster. Add heat and I’ve been successful on almost everything seized.

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